Radiate your joyful self

Radiate your Joyful self with Leo Full Moon

Radiate your joyful self with Leo Full Moon


Tomorrow’s Full Moon will illuminate a big brave roar of a light on what beliefs and habits maybe blocking you from fully stepping into your confident, radiant self.

I have been feeling this energy deeply the past week and have been in the process of realigning some core beliefs and daily habits myself.

Last year the universe gave me many messages to slow down, push less and embrace my feminine side more.  I realised I had to continue to work on reframing a  belief I had that ‘in order to be successful and reach my earning potential I had to be busy and work hard’.

It doesn’t matter how BIG you are shining you light or stepping into your courage, all that matters is that you are focussing on YOUR empowered path, not comparing yourself to others and celebrating all your little wins along the way.

This week with the strong expressive and extroverted Leo energy encouraging us to BE BRAVE, BE COURAGEOUS and BE CONFIDENT it is easy to get swept up in the hype of DO, DO, DO.

Here are some insights I have been implementing more consistently into my schedule to ensure I am not burning out and shining my light in my creative feminine flow.

Leo Full Moon insights

  1. Create space in your schedule for intuitive planning each week. This process I find vital for connecting to my intuitive wise woman within. She holds all the answers.
  2. Sit in stillness each day around family life/commitments and just BE. Listen to your inner compass, inner child and centre.
  3. Declutter your headspace, heart space and home. I started this process over a week ago and it feels SO GOOD. I did my inbox today! Full Moon is a powerful and potent time to shed, release and let go of all that is not serving and forgive. Whatever has come up, know that it is coming up for a reason. To be healed, to be released. You are divinely guided and held in light always.
  4. Self-care YOU each day. It can be anything from having a bath, taking a walk with the dog, vowing to go to bed early, enjoying a FULL cup of team (warm!) or Lemon water first thing to nourish. All that matters is your doing something each day to replenish your energy cup.
  5. FOLLOW YOUR INNER JOY! Radiate your joyful self and in doing this you will always face your true north.

Full Moon Blessings my darlings,

Love & light

Amy xo

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