New Moon Intuitive Guidance

So many intense feels leading up to this new moon in Sagittarius. So much has been asked of us this year and quite frankly we are all a bit pooped aren’t we and hanging out for the end of the year and some REST. Hang in there my darlings, the veil is lifting and the heaviness you may have been experiencing during this eclipse season will soon begin to not feel so heavy as feel the lightness comes.

This New Moon is a solar eclipse that is connected not only to New Beginnings but with releasing old patterns from the past. As with most things in life, when one door closes, another door opens. If we crave a different tomorrow, it’s really important we release the patterns that continue to play out in our lives.

What no longer serves you is crumbling away

You are outgrowing your cocoon. It’s time to break free and spread those wings as 2022 approaches.


  • You are ready to RISE.
  • You are ready for CHANGE.
  • You are ready for new EXPERIENCES.
  • You are ready for GROWTH.
  • You are ready to EXPAND.

Radiate with total belief and trust my darlings that what you truly desire is possible and write with immense faith your New Moon Intentions this weekend.

Sending you an abundance of New Moon Blessings this weekend.

With love & light

Amy xo

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