
Finding your flow with Libra season & Full Moon in Pisces – Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox & Full Moon Blessings my darlings!


Pisces bring a water sign are intuitive and ethereal souls who prefer to life in spiritual dreamy waters.
Her manta ‘I BELIEVE’ and energy rules the feet. As I say this I can almost feel myself with determination stamping my feet into the earth for something I truly believe in.

Feel into whatever arises under this watery Moon and allow it to flood through you and out of you rather than resist. We are being asked to surrender, let go, release and forgive and the soft conscious energy of Pisces this week is perfect to support us all in this.

Definitely a potent time to do a Full Moon Release ritual and get yourself in water, the ocean if possible fully submerging.

Spring Equinox


We also kick off Libra season this week along with the Spring Equinox on Thursday 23 September earth.  The Equinox occurs when the sun and earth are in total alignment with one another and everything is in total balance. It’s not a coincidence that Libra season coincides with spring equinox.

Equinox symbolises a balancing of polarities. Light and dark, masculine, and feminine and yin and yang to unite as one. The equinox gifts and allows us the chance to find balance within ourselves emotionally, spiritually and energetically.

Libra energy is all about BRINGING you back into balance and harmony. She is compromising and about bringing justice and equal energy in all relationships.

This month under this potent energy if you are living out of alignment and balance in many areas of your life, you will likely feel the pull of Libra and Equinox trying to support you in rebalancing those scales. Libra is an air sign so there maybe a tendency to get caught up in our heads. That’s OK! Just remember the energy wants you to know that true balance exists within yourself and the WHOLE universe.

Try to think outside the box (outside of yourself) when challenges arise. Place your hand on your heart and stomach when needing to make big decisions and decide from there rather than your head.

Sending you all an abundance of Full Moon Blessings my darlings.

For more intuitive insight and journal prompts, join me for my monthly New Moon Mentoring Circles and Heart Space Sisterhood Membership. More info here…


Amy 💋

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