Happy New Moon in Aquarius & Chinese New Year

This Friday we have New Moon in the humanitarian, Innovative, intellectual and rebellious sign of Aquarius that also coincides with Chinese New Year of the OX – Big strong energy!
It may feel intense as we lead up to Friday due to the rare line up of planets that will form in the sign of Aquarius. We will experience the delicious energy of the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all at the same time inviting us to focus our heart intentions in the direction of our choosing this lunar cycle. We may find ourselves feeling highly innovative, looking to get involved in humanitarian projects, working on some new tech, or finding new ways to build community.
The Theme this month is Vision ~ Hope ~ Progress
Mantra – ‘I KNOW’ – “I ignite radical change within, I recognise and fight for the needs of the collective.
How powerful and potent is that my darlings? Love it! Let’s harness this energy.
New Moons traditionally are considered a time of New Beginnings, manifestation and personal growth. A powerful time to go within, be yin with ourselves and recharge our energy, centre ourselves for the new lunar cycle ahead so that we may take intuitive grounded action.
My intuitive guidance and journal prompts for you…
⚡️Stay grounded and connect with the earth and nature – especially since we are in air sign season
⚡️Detach –Release, journal and let go of attachment – thoughts or obsessions that might be going around in your head – get it DOWN on paper – create awareness – acknowledge – accept – release and forgive with unconditional love.
⚡️Come back to your TRUTH – use this New Moon to ask yourself if your giving yourself the space to be your true, own authentic self. Aquarius is the sign that doesn’t care about convention as much as others often do.
⚡️When you write down what seeds of desires you wish to plant in your heart this New Moon, REALLY visualise them –and make a list of the PROGRESS you have made so far.
⚡️Acknowledge YOU – then detach. Let it go – make SPACE for these beautiful new beginnings to bloom and flourish from within.
Hope this resonates dear ones.
Amy xoxo
📷 Original Artwork Amy little
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