This is the last one of the season until November. We have been in the eclipse portal, a time of rapid personal growth and change that has provided us with the energy to dig deep, heal core inner wounds, unleash that courage from within, FULLY LEAPING out of comfort into power with greater alignment, standing in our TRUTH, SOUL PURPOSE and wrapped in that nurturing self-love that was Cancer Season.
I know it hasn’t been easy – soul growth, inner work, releasing, transforming and re-birthing – walking our path following our intuition leading us on our soul destiny – brings up fear – self-doubt – blood sweat and tears with the watery sign of Cancer.
With this cycle and lunation ending and seeded with Caner, energised with the high achieving, go get, strong integrity practical Capricorn coupled with Mars in fiery Aries, you fee or a pull or calling for radical alignment, shedding what no longer feels integral or in alignment with your truth.
Our hearts are speaking. It is time to form structures for care, for safety and for trust. Building them from the bare bones out. The crossover will always be chaotic and messy, and we have a lot of clearing out to do GLOBALLY – But it starts with US – our family, our community, drawing upon energy, wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors, the keepers of the land, honouring our heritage and integrating this with our modern world.
Balance will prevail my darlings – we still have more work to do – but if we start with our beautiful selves – we can one by one make a positive impact on this planet and encourage the change needed to create the balance we all desperately craving.
If your feeling ungrounded, you’re not the only one – I’ve been feeling it too! We have been processing SO much and experienced so much change on so many levels.
Now is the time to truly dedicate to yourself to your ritual practices, to what grounds you, nourishes you, centres you, opens the heart, so you can move through your day with grounded and calm action from a place of love and truth.
There is always work to do but it must always absolutely be balanced with self-love, self-care, nourishment and rest.
We are all in this together my darlings,
You’ve got this – I believe in you!
With love ‘n’ light
Amy xoxo