Tomorrow is Full Moon in Aries which is a strong extroverted FIRE sign with the Mantra ‘I AM’.
They are independent and action orientated. I usually love this motivated energy of ‘make decisions’ and ‘get shit done’ . It’s also a little fiery when it comes with a Full Moon!
However there has been SO much happen collectively this year with long term restrictions for many countries, constantly adjusting to new ‘rules’ and changes that it’s left us in a state of confusion and ungrounded.
Since re-opening the clinic I have felt and seen the effects this has taken on my lovely community. There is a layer of overwhelm, anxiety and mental exhaustion from trying to ‘keep it all together’. We are craving our OWN space and just need to get to the finish line. Are you feeling this with me too?
This Full Moon will encourage you to make big decisions so that you can move forward in either your personal or business life but it’s difficult to do this from a state of overwhelm and exhaustion.
Whenever I am in this mindset, I sit with my thoughts, my overwhelm and any anxiety I may have around what has triggered me or stirring within me and I ask my heart.

I wait and allow the answer to whisper back to me. It’s handy to have your journal near for this exercise so you can write down the intuition you are hearing or feeling. Sometimes it will come as one word or a phrase. Sometimes I will pull a card from my Tarot or Oracle Deck which just confirms exactly what I was thinking and feeling. This is often a beautiful YES and reminder from the universe that you are divinely guided and protected and gives me the extra guidance I was asking for.
The power of listening and TRUSTING your own intuition is potent.

May you find the clarity you seek within
May you feel at peace in your heart
May you feel calm in the face of anger
And may you find the courage to release, let go and forgive.
The universe always has your backs my darlings.
Love & light
Amy xoxo