Embrace Full Moon in Sagittarius Energy
Embrace your beautiful, bountiful and radiant self this full moon in Sagittarius.
Release the limiting beliefs keeping you feeling stuck and small and trust the BIG divine plan and picture that the universe has in store for you.
✨Experience what brings you JOY
✨Make time for PLAY – especially in your biz
✨Shine your LIGHT
✨Seek pleasure in every moment
✨Communicate with compassionate awareness
The super moon energy of Sagittarius ♐️ encourages us to create new ways of doing things, bring forth new ideas and question if things need to change.
✨How can we pivot to align with our fullest potential and highest self?
Wishing you a potent and powerful week.
For more insights and journal prompts visit HERE
Book your FREE 30min Self-love session HERE