How can you feel into your heart this Full Moon more consciously? How is your heart and what does she need? Creating the space within our day and schedule to check in with how we truly are is a powerful tool to realign your mindset.
My heart has been beating FAST lately. I have been feeling the collective anxiety due the huge empath I am whilst also consciously trying to remain grounded and unattached to energy that is not mine. We can be of loving support for others with loving unattachment.
As we approach this Full Moon in Virgo which will be swelling to her brightest tomorrow night, I have felt a little all over the shop to be honest. My boys are sensitive to the moon also and feel deeply like their mamma. My morning walks, belief mindset and self-care rituals have been essential in supporting me to continue to be of service within my business with a grounded, calm, and wise heart.
Virgo energy is earthy, independent, reliable, loyal, and dedicated to self-improvement. Have you noticed the past week or, so you have really been focussing on putting more loving energy into nourishing the healthier version of YOU? To replenish your body, mind, and soul in nature?
The Mantra for this Full Moon
“What I focus on becomes reality, I choose to focus my thoughts on cultivating healthier habits’.
Your intuition and gut hold the answers and trust that you embody the confidence, motivation and drive to set your healthy boundaries for yourself so that you feel more ALIVE and comfortable in your own body. So, you feel connected. So, you feel home.
We can break the cycle of stress at any time. We can create the space we crave and put a stop to the constant ‘busyness’ our life sometimes feels like.
Full Moons are a time to shed, release and LET GO. Unburden yourselves my darlings from the things that are weighing you down so that the fog can lift, and you can see clearly again.
Write it all down this weekend. Release it with love, acceptance and forgiveness.
You are ENOUGH and you are WORTHY of living the life you desire and more.
Sending you an abundance of Full Moon Blessings my darlings.
Amy xoxo
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