Express and Embody your Truth.

Express and Embody your Truth

Today and this week my intention is radiate and shine as I express and embody my TRUTH.


What is yours?

Today is the start of WHATEVER you choose it to be! If you haven’t set your intention for the week, take the opportunity to pause briefly and do it now.

Today my boys started back at school for 2022! And so the year starts FULLY for our wee family after yet another week of isolation. Feeling very much in my feminine flow, but with a little healthy masculine input of ‘Let’s do this’ I am ready to radiate 2022 with my self-expression and authentic truth!

Every day before I begin my workday I like to sit down at my desk, light some incense or Palo Santo and JUST BREATHE (I do this because sometimes getting my two boys too school can feel like round of sheep). Those with active boys might empathise (-:

Once I am fully in the moment and in my heart, I pull a card and I set my intention for the day/week ahead and switch into creative and serving from love mode.

I like to pull a card because it can often contain an intuitive message or reminder that my angels wanted me to receive in that moment. Today’s message as always was in total alignment.

Today I pulled the SUN card out of my ‘Heavenly Bodies Astrology Deck’. The sun is the symbol of life itself and represents the energy of Self-Expressing and Embodying our TRUTH. This card has reminded me once again as I fully start my year with my boys back at school to SELF-EXPRESS myself in ALL of my work and embrace the quirks that make me, ME.

I had to giggle at the synchronicity of this meaning as my Signature Mentoring Program is called ‘Embrace your WHOLE Self’. So important to practice what we preach, especially when we are holding space for others to heal.

This quote for me embodies it all and I hope it inspires you are much as it does me when I read it.

‘The more you step into your truth, the more powerful your creative potential and the more connected you will feel to life as a whole’.

Feel safe to radiate, shine and BE SEEN this week my darlings! You are a GIFT! Please don’t ever forget that.

With love & light

Amy xo

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