Amy Little - Are you Ok Day

Are you OK Day

Sending an abundance of Friday feel good loving Are you OK Day vibes your way.

Being a huge advocate for mental health and anxiety amongst adults and children, I check in with my clients and friends often to see if they are ok. It’s important to me that everyone around me, and the ones I support professionally feel connected and supported.

It shouldn’t take a day to remind us though to check in on a neighbour, a loved one, a family or friend – but it’s a powerful reminder and that ONE text, email or phone message can change the trajectory of one’s life.

Having lived experience of suicide has absolutely encouraged me to embrace every connection and moment I have.

Life is precious, fleeting, ever changing and at times incredibly hard for some people. Asking for help is not always easy, but knowing that people care and they are not alone can have the most powerful impact.

Count your blessings my darlings and reach out to those your intuition tells you might need to here from you. It’s never too late.

Wishing you an amazing weekend

Hope your celebrating 🥳 YOU this week.

Love Amy 😘

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